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Celebrating Student Success

Welcome to the AKA Karate Hall of Fame, we get to celebrate our awesome students and all their achievements. Hard work and determination really inspire everyone. Let’s give a shout-out to their success and the positive vibes they bring to our Karate Family at AKA.

Juniors - One session



Every month

Students aged 7 to 11 who train once a week at Ashlyns Dojo or All Saints Dojo

Valid until canceled

One training session per week at Ashlyns Dojo 18:15 - 19:25


One session per week at All Saints Dojo 16:15 - 17:15

Cadets - One session



Every month

Students aged 12 to 17 who train once a week at Ashlyns Dojo

Valid until canceled

One training session per week at Ashlyns Dojo 19:30 - 20:45

Adults - One session



Every month

Adult students (18+) who train once a week at Ashlyns Dojo

Valid until canceled

One training session per week at Ashlyns Dojo 19:30 - 20:45

Juniors - Two sessions



Every month

Students aged 7 to 11 who train twice a week.
Orange belt and above

Valid until canceled

One training session per week at Ashlyns Dojo 18:15 - 19:25


One training session per week at All Saints 16:15 - 17:15


One advanced class per week at All Saints 17:15 - 17:45

Cadets - Two sessions



Every month

Cadet students who train twice a week.
Orange belt and above

Valid until canceled

Cadets Thursday class at Ashlyns Dojo from 19:30 - 20:45


Cadets Monday class at All Saints Dojo from 17:15 - 18:00

Adults - Two sessions



Every month

Adult students (18+) who train at two sessions on a Thursday night.
Purple Belt students aged 18 and above

Valid until canceled

Adults Thursday class 19:30 - 20:45


Adults advanced Thursday class 20:45 - 21:30

Adults - Three sessions



Every month

Adult students (18+) who train at two sessions on a Thursday night and one session on a Monday. Purple belt students aged 18 and above

Valid until canceled

Adults Thursday class 19:30 - 20:45


Adults advanced Thursday class 20:45 - 21:30


Adults advanced Monday class 17:30 - 18:30

Junior / Cadet & Sibling - One session



Every month

Membership for two siblings training once a week in either Dojo

Valid until canceled

Two siblings (age 7 - 17) at Ashlyns Dojo 18:15 - 19:25


Two siblings (age 7 - 17) at All Saints Dojo 16:15 - 17:15

Junior / Cadet & Sibling - Two sessions



Every month

Membership for two siblings who train twice a week.
Orange belt and above

Valid until canceled

Two siblings (age 7 - 17) at Ashlyns Dojo 18:15 - 19:25


Two siblings (age 7 - 17) at All Saints Dojo 16:15 - 17:15


One advanced class per week at All Saints 17:15 - 17:45

Parent and Child - One session



Every month

Parent and child membership training once a week

Valid until canceled

Parent and child at Ashlyns Dojo 18:15 - 19:25

Parent and Child - Two sessions



Every month

A parent and child training twice a week

Valid until canceled

Parent and child main class at Ashlyns Dojo


Parent and child main class at All Saints Dojo


Parent and Child advanced class at either Dojo

Parent and Child - Three sessions



Every month

A parent and child training three times a week

Valid until canceled

Parent and child main class at Ashlyns Dojo


Parent and Child advanced class at Ashlyns Dojo


Parent and Child advanced class at All Saints Dojo

Parent and two children - One session



Every month

A parent and two children training once a week

Valid until canceled

Parent and two children training once a week

Two parents and one child - One session



Every month

Two parents and one child training once a week

Valid until canceled

Two parents and one child training once a week

Two adults - one session



Every month

Two adults training once a week (Married couple or partners)

Valid until canceled

Two adults training once a week

Adult - Top up session



Every month

Adult training one additional session per week as well as a family subscription

Valid until canceled

Adult - one additional advanced session at any dojo

Cadet - Top up session



Every month

Cadet training one additional session per week as well as a family subscription

Valid until canceled

one additional advanced session at any dojo

Junior - Top up session



Every month

Junior training one additional session per week as well as a family subscription

Valid until canceled

Junior - one additional session at any dojo

Choose your pricing plan

Monthly Pricing Plans at AKA 

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